Shrek is antagonist and flat character because he is always bad to others. Shrek's parents, witch, peasant, dragon, donkey, knight, and the most stunningly ugly princess are foil character. And all of them are flat characters. The way characters are revealed are "What the narrator says about the character", "What the other characters say about the character" and "What the character actually does". The setting is backdrop, and it doesn’t give accurate background. The narrative point of view is Omniscient Narrator, and the plot is dramatic plot. The beginning of the story is that Shrek has to go out in the world doing his share of damage, and the witch tells him to find his the most stunningly ugly princess. So, he begins his journey, and he find his princess in the end.
The first moral is "Do not judge others with their appearances." The second moral is "No matter how bad you are, the one who truly loves you must appear. So, do not be disappointed about yourself." The author uses easy words, short sentences, dialogue, and some poem with rhyme.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
From my point of view, the reason I choose Shrek is that he is ugly enough to catch my attention. His green skin, red eyes, and ugly appearance are unique. Children can remember him easier. Besides, he is well-known to Children because of the Shrek movies. His unique appearance and his superpower can inspire children, and excite their imaginations. Although Shrek always does bad things, he doesn’t judge people with their appearances. Therefore, I think children can learn this essential thing through the whole story. The author uses colorful pictures to catch children's attention, and I think it is good. Besides, from my point of view, the reason that Shrek got married to the most stunningly ugly princess is that Shrek doesn't care the appearance of the ugly princess, neither does she. Therefore, they have a happy ending. If children criticize others' appearances at will, they might not have a happy ending like Shrek.