Donald Duck, and Daisy Duck are protagonist. Hans is foil character. Donald becomes brave and kind, so he is round character. Daisy and Hans are always kind, so they are flat characters. The ways characters are revealed are "What the narrator says about the character" and "What the character actually does". The setting is integral because the author mentioned the Netherlands. The narrative point of view is Omniscient Narrator. The plot is dramatic. The problem is that Donald and Daisy go to Amsterdam, and they meet Hans, who often makes Daisy blushed. Donald wants to catch Daisy's attention, but he usually causes something bad on himself. Fortunately, Donald save Daisy' s life when she have a serious trouble in the end.
First moral is "Do not use wrong way to catch other's attention, or you will cause something bad." Second moral is"Do not judge others by the first impression" The author use easy words, short sentences, and dialogue.
Author uses Donald to represent little children, and Daisy represents their mother. I think the author wants to show children that whether their mothers have second baby or not, they should not be like Donald, who did a lot of bad things to catch Daisy’s attention. If they do it, they will cause trouble to their parents. After reading this book, I found that the books, which are published from Disney, help children be familiar with new information easier. The author gives children a lot of information about the Netherlands through this story, so children can image how the Netherlands looks like, even although they have never been to that. Besides, there are some extra texts and pictures in the end of this book to improve children’s knowledge, and I think it really helps a lot. What’s more, I also learned a lot of things about the Netherlands, especially Vincent van Gogh. I don’t know he is a Dutch before I read this book!!! In addition, I don’t know the town of Gouda is famous for its delicious cheese. However, in my opinion, the reason is that I don’t love cheese insanely.